He's an overly silly, hyperactive and generally idiotic extrovert, who'll either think the world of you or hate your guts.
He has fluffy black hair that's usually tied up in a pony tail, he also has front highlights that are pink, blue and then green, at the back tip of his hair he has red to orange to yellow.
He has type one diabetes, but wont let anyone know.
he has a pretty big ego at times, but other times he's really insecure.
He's porteguese, but didn't develop and accent due to not growing up in the area.
He always wears a tail belt chain.
Likes; loud obnoxious parties, hyperpop / breakcore music, plastic red cups, sanrio, fruit cocktails, pink edible glitter on mango, weird colourful accessories, hanging out with his older brother, picking out outfits, going shopping.
Dislikes; RAM [profile later to be added], ugly people, Basil Berckleys, people that don't wear deoderant, maths lessons, facial hair, fake tan.